Fixing Family Search Projects

Fixing Family Search Projects

Over the years, we have been contacted by numerous courts to fix a problem they are experiencing with the data provided to them by Family Search.

Family Search is a non-profit arm of the Church of Latter Day Saints that is focused on helping people locate information about their ancestors. One common way they do this is to digitize estate records for probate courts around the nation and world. And there is no cost to the courts for this service.

Family Search gives the courts a copy of the work they have done and they take a copy back to headquarters for indexing, organization, and eventual upload to their worldwide database.

The problem that courts have discovered is that the format their copy comes in is unusable. Does this picture look familiar? A box of flashdrives or a couple of external hard drives?

Upon opening, you see folder after folder? Within those folders, thousand and thousands of individual unlabeled tiff images? Have you concluded you have no ability to actually find any of your cases?

This is where ScanWorks can help! We can import all of the unlabeled images into our software, group together the images by case, and create 1 PDF per case. We then index the PDFs by the case number and decedent’s names.

When you receive your hard drive from ScanWorks, you can quickly & easily find any case that has been digitized. We can even ensure the files on the drive are formatted so that they can be imported into your case management system if you’d like to take that extra step. Otherwise, you can simply load the images to your server and back them up just like anything else.

There is a solution to your problem. When you are ready to let ScanWorks help you, please call us at 234-571-9501 or click here for a quote.

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