Category Archives: Uncategorized

Lessons from Hurricane Sandy

Consider this: • New York University Langone Medical Center was forced to evacuate midstorm. • Staten Island University’s hospitals were flooded. • Looking back seven years, Hurricane Katrina caused flood waters to inundate hospitals, causing patients’ medical histories to vanish. Based upon these occurrences, we should not doubt the importance of converting paper medical records …

Mobile Scanning

As a professional scanning service, ScanWorks is just as concerned as you are about maintaining the confidentiality and security of your documents, files, and charts.  Even though our facility has top-of-the-line security features, we recognize that it is not always possible or practicable to have the materials you want scanned moved off-site.  That is why …

Taking the Time for Proper EHR Implementation

Deciding when to implement an EHR is perhaps the most important decision that a medical practice can make.   Providers of all sizes who have gone through an electronic health record implementation say the process works best when practices take the time to do it correctly.  Practitioners need to know that a methodical EHR implementation is …

Security and Confidentiality

ScanWorks understands the importance of protecting the security and confidentiality of the documents we scan.  Whether you work in the medical, legal, real estate, financial, or another field, we know that your customers have entrusted you with highly confidential information– their names, addresses, social security numbers, dates of birth, phone numbers, bank account numbers, income …

How to Use EHR/EMR Incentive Money

Eligible medical providers and eligible hospitals may receive an incentive payment for the adoption, implementation, or upgrade of certified EHR/EMR technology so long as they can demonstrate ‘meaningful use’ of that technology.  At ScanWorks, we are often asked by medical professionals if there are any guidelines as to how the incentive monies may be used.  …

Preparation for Scanning

Are you concerned about what preparation you must undertake to ready your files for scanning?  Worry no more!  ScanWorks’s scanning price is all-inclusive–  that means we  retrieve your files and documents “as is” and we complete all the necessary work to prepare them to run through our high-speed scanners. We remove staples, binder clips, paper …

Another View on HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA requires health information to be secure and protected. But if you work in the healthcare field, you have likely already concluded that being a HIPAA-compliant practice or organization does not guarantee the safety of patient records as they exist in paper format. Consider how easily paper charts can be damaged or destroyed by way …