Category Archives: Blog

Another View on HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA requires health information to be secure and protected. But if you work in the healthcare field, you have likely already concluded that being a HIPAA-compliant practice or organization does not guarantee the safety of patient records as they exist in paper format. Consider how easily paper charts can be damaged or destroyed by way …

EHR Implementation—More than Dollars and Cents

At ScanWorks, we spend a lot of time talking to doctors and other medical professionals about EHR implementation.  Our piece of the puzzle is scanning physicians’ backlog of paper medical charts into EHRs. But in talking with those in the medical field, we have learned that the reluctance to adopt an EHR has a lot …

Test Your Medical Privacy Readiness

ScanWorks is pleased to discuss its ability to meet privacy and confidentiality concerns with prospective customers.  As an attorney-owned business, you can be sure we stay on top of the regulations that govern our document scanning service.  But how about you, the practitioner?  How sure are you that your medical practice is compliant with privacy …

Why Pay to Have Documents Scanned?

As the owner of ScanWorks, I am regularly asked this question by prospective customers in businesses of all types and sizes:   why should I pay hard-earned money to have my documents scanned when I can store them indefinitely and just find them when I need them? That’s a great question and business owners needs to …

Providing the Highest Level of Care

It occurs to us here at ScanWorks that we have a lot in common with service providers on the front line, whether that be doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, dentists, physical therapists, mental health providers, etc.  And that is, we all do everything within our power to ensure we are providing the highest level of care …

Take the Hassle out of Medical Chart Scanning

If you are facing a backlog of paper medical charts or other documents, you have already given some thought as to how you are going to get it all scanned in an efficient and economical manner so that the data therein is incorporated into your EHR.  In order to even start the scanning process, you …

Benefits of Being Paperless

For many practitioners in the medical field, paper remains the primary way to maintain and exchange medical records and prescriptions.  Reluctance to adopt an EHR system is therefore not uncommon.  ScanWorks understands that there are many complexities associated with adopting and using an EHR in a meaningful way, and the time devoted to researching and …