Author Archives: Deb Monaco

Blueprint, Building Plan, and Oversize Scanning

We have been asked to digitize every possible size document– from tiny business cards to what you see in this photo above, a VERY large blueprint. Our Contex IQ Quattro scanner can scan and digitize all types of oversize materials from blueprints and building plans to maps and technical drawings. As you can see, sometimes …

Take a Look at Our New Large Format Blueprint Scanner

ScanWorks is pleased to announce the acquisition of an IQ Quattro X 4490, a state-of-the-art oversize scanner. We are now able to effortlessly digitize large GIS maps, site plans, engineering drawings, blueprints, architectural renderings, and many other large documents.  The opening to this high-tech scanner is 44”. So as long as the shortest side of …

Take a Look at Our New Book Scanner

With our new Bookeye Book Scanner, we are now able to scan any book in any condition. This state-of-the-art scanner can accommodate thick books, bound books, books with fragile pages, books with faded text, and books in color. It is ideal for digitization projects that require high quality and maximum productivity. With this specialty scanner, …