Lessons from Hurricane Sandy

Lessons from Hurricane Sandy

Consider this:

• New York University Langone Medical Center was forced to evacuate midstorm.

• Staten Island University’s hospitals were flooded.

• Looking back seven years, Hurricane Katrina caused flood waters to inundate hospitals, causing patients’ medical histories to vanish.

Based upon these occurrences, we should not doubt the importance of converting paper medical records to electronic records systems, enabling the digital records to be shared across health information exchanges, and backing it all up securely.  Here at ScanWorks, our piece of the EHR/EMR puzzle is scanning physicians’ backlog of paper medical charts into their EHRs.  We are happy to help explain your options for medical chart scanning and what solutions we can provide your practice.  Please call ScanWorks at 330-322-2988 for further information or for a free sample scan of your records.  Or click here for a Quik Quote.

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