Benefits of Being Paperless

Benefits of Being Paperless

For many practitioners in the medical field, paper remains the primary way to maintain and exchange medical records and prescriptions.  Reluctance to adopt an EHR system is therefore not uncommon.  ScanWorks understands that there are many complexities associated with adopting and using an EHR in a meaningful way, and the time devoted to researching and learning to use an EHR is time that most practitioners would rather devote to practicing medicine.

The good news is that medical providers who have already converted to an EHR have gone on record regarding the very real savings they have realized by going electronic.  ScanWorks has found numerous surveys that show that physicians, dentists, physical therapists, mental health agencies, and others can save money in many ways–  here are some examples:

• no longer having to make any chart pulls

• decreased use of faxing

• decreased use of mail

• decreased transcription costs

• conversion of storage areas to exam areas

To maximize cost savings, however, all paper must be eliminated.  This means that medical charts must be scanned and imported into the EHR.  ScanWorks specializes in the bulk scanning of medical charts for practitioners who wish to achieve a 100% paperless practice.  And the one-time fee is made up with taking advantage of the cost savings listed above as soon as practical.

We are here to help.  Please call ScanWorks at 330-322-2988 for further information or for a free sample scan of your records.  Or click here for a Quik Quote.

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