Digitizing Oversize Books & Pages
We often get asked whether we can scan oversize book pages into digital format and the answer is yes. If the books are bound, we can use our Bookeye 4 V1A which contains an overhead scanner. This is a very sophisticated machine that scans down one side of the book and then up the other, accounting for the curvature of the page. If the page takes up more than half of the scanner surface area, we can scan the left page in the book and then shift it over to capture the right page in the book. The maximum page size is 25 x 33.5 inches.
If the books can be unbound, we can use our Contex IQ Quattro and individually scan each oversize page. This is a very rapid scan, even on very large pages. In fact, this is the same scanner we use to digitize blueprints, building plans, surveys, and plats.
We have digitized oversized pages for Municipal Building Departments, City Service Departments, County Sanitary Engineers, County Auditors, County Recorders, and manufacturers such as Cleveland-Cliffs.
If you would like to see our long list of customers, please click here. If you would like a quote, please click here. If you would like to speak to our attorney-owner directly, please call Deb Monaco at 330-322-2988.