Let ScanWorks Speak to Your Group

Let ScanWorks Speak to Your Group

Is your professional organization seeking speakers?  Would they benefit about learning how to develop an effective records management policy for their business?  If so, you should contact the owner and founder of ScanWorks, Deb Monaco.   As an attorney, she understands the importance of document and data preservation, and as the founder of a document scanning company, she understands the intricacies involved in doing so.

Topics that can be addressed include:

Identifying types of business records & where they are located

Understanding the laws that regulate how long those records are to be maintained

Analyzing the benefits of converting paper records to digital records

Deciding whether to outsource document conversion (i.e. scanning)

Viewing a live scanning demo

Learning about secure document destruction

Understanding how to secure the physical and digital records that the business decides to keep

To discuss a speaking engagement with Attorney Deb Monaco, please call ScanWorks at 330-322-2988 or email her directly at [email protected].

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