DVD or External Hard Drive?

DVD or External Hard Drive?

Once ScanWorks has finished the process of scanning your files, we burn the data to your choice of an archival-grade DVD or an external hard drive.  Here are the pros and cons of each type of media:

– DVD is included in the price of the scanning job.  EHD is an additional $125.

– DVD can only handle 4.7 GB of data.  A large job would need to be burned to multiple DVDs.  Once burned, no data can be added in the future.  Once burned, files cannot be moved around into different sub-folders.

– EHD can handle 3 TB of data, virtually unlimited space.  Future data can be added.  Files can be moved around.

– EHD is about the size of an iphone.  Multiple DVDs can take up valuable shelf space.

– With EHD, you can view all of your files at once.  With multiple DVDs, you have to continue to insert DVDs until you find the data you are looking for.

– With EHD, you can copy your files over to your server or computer in one-step.  With multiples DVDs, you have to continue to insert DVDs until all data is copied over.

In short, the DVDs are less costly out-of-pocket, but will likely cost you space and extra labor in the future.  External hard drives offer more flexibility and options.

Getting your files scanned can be as easy as calling ScanWorks today. We are here to help.  Please call ScanWorks at 330-322-2988 for further information or for a free sample scan of your records.  Or click here for a Quik Quote.

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