Sticky Notes

Sticky Notes

Here at ScanWorks, we are meticulous about ensuring our customers receive perfectly scanned images every time.  We have found that every ounce of effort we put into properly preparing the documents for the scanner is worth it.  And the attention we give every little detail could not be better explained than with a discussion about sticky notes.  We all use sticky notes–  they are great for jotting down a quick note, for reminders, for document edits, you name it.  Typically those sticky notes stay right where you left them once your file is closed.  This means that when we receive your files for scanning, your long-forgotten sticky notes are inevitably covering the text of the document you stuck it to.  And the vast majority of our clients want the entirety of the text scanned.  This means we have to figure out what to do about those darn sticky notes.

We have 3 options for sticky notes:

1. Move them to a text-free spot on the same page

2. Move them to the back of the page

3. Place them on a separate page.

The third option is the most common– customers typically prefer to have the sticky note placed on a blank page immediately preceding the page on which we found it.  And we call that a win-win–  the customer gets to preserve every iota of information every generated, even that which is written on a sticky note, but documents are scanned in their original format without sticky notes covering any of the original text.

Yes, it is this level of detail that ensures you get what you need from the scanning process– perfectly preserved files. And that is what sets us apart.

Please call ScanWorks at 330-322-2988 for further information or for a free sample scan of your records.  Or click here for a Quik Quote.

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