What is a “Non-Scannable”

What is a “Non-Scannable”

Here at ScanWorks, we pride ourselves on being able to scan any document in any shape that we receive from our customers.  You may be surprised to find out that most customers end up having several “non-scannables” in their files.  This would be defined as any hard physical object that we cannot run through our scanners.  Here are some examples:

  • video tapes
  • DVDs
  • cassette tapes & recorders
  • floppy diskettes
  • bloody t-shirts (from the files of a criminal defense attorney)
  • teeth (from the files of a dentist)
  • telephones

We have seen a lot of interesting objects!  We either return non-scannables to customers or securely destroy them, whichever the customer elects.  Does this make you curious about what we might find in your files?

Please call ScanWorks at 330-322-2988 for further information or for a free sample scan of your records.  Or click here for a Quik Quote.

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