How to Use EHR/EMR Incentive Money

How to Use EHR/EMR Incentive Money

Eligible medical providers and eligible hospitals may receive an incentive payment for the adoption, implementation, or upgrade of certified EHR/EMR technology so long as they can demonstrate ‘meaningful use’ of that technology.  At ScanWorks, we are often asked by medical professionals if there are any guidelines as to how the incentive monies may be used.  There answer is that there really are not any guidelines since the monies are not a reimbursement for funds expended– it is an incentive program, not a reimbursement program.

This means that doctors and other medical providers can apply their incentive monies towards the cost of having their backlog of paper medical charts scanned.  ScanWorks (or a practice’s IT department) can then import the scanned data into the EHR.


Please call ScanWorks at 330-322-2988 for further information or for a free sample scan of your records.  Or click here for a Quik Quote.


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