Another View on HIPAA Compliance

Another View on HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA requires health information to be secure and protected. But if you work in the healthcare field, you have likely already concluded that being a HIPAA-compliant practice or organization does not guarantee the safety of patient records as they exist in paper format. Consider how easily paper charts can be damaged or destroyed by way of fire, flood, theft, or even human error. How do you, as a medical professional, safeguard your medical charts?

The answer is scanning.  Your medical office should scan its paper charts as soon as possible, or outsource your scanning work to the professionals at ScanWorks.  Once in digital format, the data can be imported into your EHR/EMR and the threat of destruction to the paper itself is eliminated.  To ensure HIPAA compliance once in electronic format, the data can then be encrypted to protect it from theft or misuse.  Additionally, your medical practice can use its log-on protocol to track access to the data.

At ScanWorks, we understand the importance of HIPAA compliance and we work with our customers to ensure their compliance.  The scanning of medical charts is part of the HIPAA answer.

We are also happy to help explain your options for medical chart scanning and what solutions we can provide your practice.  Please call ScanWorks at 330-322-2988 for further information or for a free sample scan of your records.  Or click here for a Quik Quote.

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