EHR Implementation—More than Dollars and Cents

EHR Implementation—More than Dollars and Cents

At ScanWorks, we spend a lot of time talking to doctors and other medical professionals about EHR implementation.  Our piece of the puzzle is scanning physicians’ backlog of paper medical charts into EHRs. But in talking with those in the medical field, we have learned that the reluctance to adopt an EHR has a lot less to do with the cost than other factors.  It isn’t necessarily the cost of the EHR/EMR software or even the cost of importing the scanned patient charts.

Interestingly, the latest numbers from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics show that it is the small medical practices that do not have an EHR.  The number one reason cited by small practices is that they do not have the management or technical infrastructure to implement such a big change.

The good news is that help is available.  Our local Regional Extension Centers have already vetted software vendors and can assist with overcoming the technical aspects of implementation.  Many local computer networking companies have become knowledgeable on the inner workings of medical technology needs.  And ScanWorks can handle the paper management aspect.   We are happy to provide an in-office consultation to help address these and any other needs medical practices may have.  We believe we are partners in moving into the electronic age.

We are also happy to help explain your options for medical chart scanning and what solutions we can provide your practice. Please call ScanWorks at 330-322-2988 for further information or for a free sample scan of your records.  Or click here for a Quik Quote.

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